What is the JP SofTTurn™ System?

More than just a martingale...

The gradual elastic effect of the JP SofTTurn System™ eliminates the horse’s lateral resistance to turning. It facilitates hand communication and gives great comfort to the mouth.

The SofTTurn helps the horse to respond accurately and happily to the rein aids and its beneficial effects extend much further by relaxing the withers, back and haunches muscles. By decompressing the back, the SofTTurn relaxes the horse and brings it quickly to the parasympathetic mode (“Rest and digest”).

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  • Chelsey Sawtel, professional eventing trainer

    "The SofTTurn System is an innovative solution that benefits horses who are prone to bracing and inverting. In 2short sessions, it helped one of my students to find the correct feel in the bridle. Her horse became rapidlysofter and more stable without the SofTTurn System forcing his posture in any way. He ended up in a betterworking position and an open throat latch".

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  • Val, advanced event rider

    “Philo is a very soft and supple young thoroughbred. Sometimes he is so soft that he has a hard time becoming connected in the bridle and maintaining direction. From the first ride, the SofTTurn System helped him become more solid in my hand and true in the bridle. He also felt like his withers were finally able to lift and he could engage his hind end in the trot and canter transitions. While he still remained soft, he felt more connected to his hind feet and confident looking through his bridle.

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  • Luis Sabino Goncalves, International GP showjumping

    I have been training all my GP horses for the past month using the SofTTurn martingale.
    The results are: horses are softer, more relaxed and move with longer, symmetrical strides and bigger canter. They are jumping better than ever in the ring in a truly classical form. The SofTTurn martingale has had a rapid effect in fixing any contact issues and is particularly effective to achieve softer, quicker turns on course. 

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