The JP Education Portal
The "School of the Aids", The "Rein Effects" an...
The purpose of training from the ground is to establish a communication system between the rider’s hand and the horse’s body. It must start with controlling the head because this is...
The "School of the Aids", The "Rein Effects" an...
The purpose of training from the ground is to establish a communication system between the rider’s hand and the horse’s body. It must start with controlling the head because this is...
Importance of Backing and the “SCHAUKEL EXERCISE”
The “Schaukel” used to be included in the Dressage Grand Prix and was considered the summum of balance and impulsion control. It was traditionally perfected at the end of the training...
Importance of Backing and the “SCHAUKEL EXERCISE”
The “Schaukel” used to be included in the Dressage Grand Prix and was considered the summum of balance and impulsion control. It was traditionally perfected at the end of the training...
Importance of the Walk for all aspects of Train...
The walk is “The mother of all gaits” used by the horse 95% of the time when traveling from pasture to pasture and “one foot at a time” when grazing (“Counted...
Importance of the Walk for all aspects of Train...
The walk is “The mother of all gaits” used by the horse 95% of the time when traveling from pasture to pasture and “one foot at a time” when grazing (“Counted...