The JP SofTTurn™ System
Sliding Martingale for Softer Contact and Better Turns
What is the JP SofTTurn™ System
How does the JP SofTTurn™ Martingale help horses?
The gradual elastic effect of the JP SofTTurn System™ eliminates the horse’s lateral resistance to turning. It facilitates hand communication and gives great comfort to the mouth. The SofTTurn helps the horse to respond accurately and happily to the rein aids and its beneficial effects extend much further by relaxing the withers, back and haunches muscles. By decompressing the back, the SofTTurn relaxes the horse and brings it quickly to the parasympathetic mode (“Rest and digest”). Though the SofTTurn appears similar at first look to a regular running martingale, it differs radically from its action by its absence of constraining/ blocking effects that prevents rough, painful mouth reactions.
The JP SofTTurn System™By infinitely self-adjusting design creates a constant “Persuasion Guiding Effect” that mimics the knowledgeable “Feel” of an experienced trainer’s hand. It significantly improves the contact with the bit, regardless of horse’s age, breed or discipline or rider’s ability. Beginners and Olympic veterans, amateurs and professionals have already adopted it to use with hunters, jumpers, eventers and dressage horses. Its benefits extend to trail riding, where a relaxed, happy ride is highly desirable.
JP SofTTurn™ System

The JP SofTTurn Martingale™ Benefits
Action & Movement
Because the rein rings slide on a loop, the direction of contact is infinitely adjustable and the horse quickly finds his most comfortable position. The elasticity of the loop opposes a progressive resistance to the horse trying to invert his posture. As a result, the horse is guided to the right position and movement, not constrained, or blocked! It rapidly reduces training problems, improves many behavior issues (nervousness, spooking), and the resulting relaxation and improved balance prevent long-term soundness issues.
Designed Obsolescence
Contrary to many other training aids, the SofTTurn™ System becomes automatically
obsolete as the horse quickly softens, adjusts his posture and balances by himself (“Self-Carriage”). When the system seems no longer engaged, it still produces ongoing micro-adjustments that are both effective to comply with the rider’s demands, and painless for the horse, who feels reassured and confident in the rider’s hands.
Fostering uprightness
Alternating dorsal lateral bends with a lowered head moves the withers from side to side symmetrically, clearly improving uprightness. The resulting decompression between vertebrae prevents (or alleviates) “kissing spine” and has an immediate calming effect on the horse. When straightening the poll to improve the horse’s lateral balance, the SofTTurn™ System lifts the one side that is too low while automatically lowering the other side. A horizontal line from ear to ear is indispensable for the function of the “Righting
Mechanism,” by which the horse maintains his balance and adjusts his proprioception. It allows for improved symmetry of the contact, reflecting a better symmetry of the legs' weight distribution and reducing orthopedic risks. Its beneficial effects are both immediate and long-term.
Training Purpose
The SofTTurn martingale entices the horse to take the contact forward and down, improving
his symmetry and relaxation, all facilitate the educational process. The easier the horse is to ride, the better the rider can focus on improving the seat! Learning riders (and coaches!) are often determined to suffer through the learning process of “getting the horse on the bit” though the action of an educated seat. They forget the horse suffers more during that process (back tension, neck inversion, mouth pain). The less amount of time the horse spends in conflict with the rider’s hand during his training, the better for his welfare. A softer contact creates relaxation and a much happier experience for both horse and rider.
Multi Discipline Adaptability
The SofTTurn™ System is adaptable to any kind of bridle: snaffle, pelham, gag, even double bridle and western curbs. As already stated, it is extremely helpful to train horses for any discipline, from young horses to trail riding, dressage or GP jumping. It is a great improvement compared to many traditional training devices.
Biomechanics and behavior
A horse out of balance becomes scared and a scared horse can become angry as he may not believe that there is no solution to the problem he faces. Many horses’ behavior and “way of going” are positively transformed at the first moment they feel the Persuasion Guiding Effect of the SofTTurn™ System. The JP SofTTurn™ System’s elastic and steadying action buffers the unnecessary movement of the hand and reduces the horse’s mouth discomfort.
This prevents many of the usual defenses: spooking, leaning, pushing against the hand, rushing off on the inside shoulder and inverting the neck. Your horse will thank you for giving it a try!
Arched neck benefits breathing
The opening of the throatlatch, the arching of the neck, are all factors of easier breathing. Conversely, an inverted neck with a tight throat latch is an obvious obstacle to breathing, specially at speed.
Hear what the riders have to say...
Chelsey Sawtel, professional eventing trainer
"The SofTTurn System is an innovative solution that benefits horses who are prone to bracing and inverting. In 2short sessions, it helped one of my students to find the correct feel in the bridle. Her horse became rapidlysofter and more stable without the SofTTurn System forcing his posture in any way. He ended up in a betterworking position and an open throat latch".
Val, An Advanced Event Rider
“Philo is a very soft and supple young thoroughbred. Sometimes he is so soft that he has a hard time becoming connected in the bridle and maintaining direction. From the first ride, the SofTTurn System helped him become more solid in my hand and true in the bridle. He also felt like his withers were finally able to lift and he could engage his hind end in the trot and canter transitions. While he still remained soft, he felt more connected to his hind feet and confident looking through his bridle.
Luis Sabino Goncalves, International GP showjumping
I have been training all my GP horses for the past month using the SofTTurn martingale.
The results are: horses are softer, more relaxed and move with longer, symmetrical strides and bigger canter. They are jumping better than ever in the ring in a truly classical form. The SofTTurn martingale has had a rapid effect in fixing any contact issues and is particularly effective to achieve softer, quicker turns on course.
Learn More
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Teaching Feel with the JP SofTTurn System™
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How does the JP SofTTurn Martingale™ help horses?
The gradual elastic effect of the JP SofTTurn System™ eliminates the horse’s lateral resistance to turning. It facilitates hand communication and gives great comfort to the mouth. The SofTTurn helps...
How does the JP SofTTurn Martingale™ help horses?
The gradual elastic effect of the JP SofTTurn System™ eliminates the horse’s lateral resistance to turning. It facilitates hand communication and gives great comfort to the mouth. The SofTTurn helps...